Foundations of Success
Our Mission: Success Academy transforms students’ who face adversities by teaching skills to help build a foundation for success and responsibility.
Our Vision: Success Academy empowers students through nurturing, educating, respecting and responding to their needs. Students are motivated to reach their fullest potential through goal setting, education and problem solving while becoming productive citizens of the world!
Because of That Commitment:
- Use National Alternative Education Exemplary Practices 2.0 to guide our work at Success Academy/Missouri Option at Anderson.
- Implement best practices using Data to drive our decisions.
- Maintain a Trauma sensitive school culture.
- Develop individual Growth and Achievement Plans (i-GAP) for each student to monitor their social, emotional, behavior and academic progress.
- Create transition rooms for students to regulate emotions and behaviors.
- Develop Professional Learning Communities for our school.
- Develop Advisory teachers so that each student has an advocate at the school.
- Use internal and external resources to complete life skills classes and meetings.
Our Collective Commitments:
- Be professional and have a high level of customer service with students, parents and the community at large. (All Stakeholders)
- Direct students and parents to the proper community agencies for support beyond the school day.
- Solve Problems as a team.
Our School wide Goals:
- Have each student graduate from high school.
- Prepare our students to have the skills necessary to be college and/or Career Ready when they graduate from high school.
- Teach each student the social, emotional, behavior goals necessary to be successful at a traditional school setting.
- Teach foundational skills that will support students towards a successful and responsible adulthood.